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Tricep dip!

Tricep dips have always been one of the most difficult exercises for me and hence I like to do them often! Irony, but when the body fights back, you fight back even stronger.

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Most women focus on the abdominals and lower body ignoring the shoulders, arms, upper back, and chest. Upper body exercises are crucial for women, as this is one of the most difficult places for them to tone. Many women find that the back of the upper arm becomes flabby and presents a problem. You can target this problem area with tricep dips, and exercise that tone and strengthen the triceps.

The triceps dip exercise is a great bodyweight exercise that builds arm and shoulder strength. You probably won’t see many women performing dips in your average commercial gym, as they’re a very difficult exercise to master. But the effort involved in perfecting them is worth the payoff from the results. 

To get started on a Tricep dip, focus on the form, and get 2-5 dips in 2 sets each, in, as a beginner twice a week, and then gradually increase it to 10-15 in 2 sets, twice or thrice a week. Add this to the top or middle or bottom of your exercise routine. If using your body weight is harder for you, you can use external weights like dumbbells in place of your body weight. 

Women should invest in chest training, as it helps to prevent injury, balance out upper-body strength and create a well-rounded physique. 

My highest recommendation would be to consult with a physical trainer as form is very important as in all exercises. Feel free to reach out to me via or DM me if you need immediate help.

The benefits of tricep dips extend to the entire body

  1. Tricep dips can help you build muscle in your upper body
  2. Tricep dips use your core as stabilizer muscles. With proper form, tricep dips are an effective exercise for enhancing your core stabilization
  3. You can perform tricep dips at home


Are dips harder than push-ups?

This is actually quite a big difference between these two exercises and explains why dips are generally more difficult to do than a push-up. A dip requires you to lift your entire body weight during the exercise. Meanwhile, a push-up only requires you to lift about 60% of your total body weight.

Written by: Nishi Bhonsle

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